Cité Miroir

Lieu d’exception au service de la citoyenneté,
de la mémoire et du dialogue des cultures

Het niet-classificeerbare

Conference dinner of the 4th IAHR Europe Congress

van 28 juli 2016 tot 29 juli 2016
Lieu : 
Salon des Lumières


A congress organized by the University of Liège

On behalf of IAHR Europe Regional Division, the LOC invites you to participate in the 4th IAHR Europe Congress at the University of Liege, Belgium, from July 27 to 29, 2016. With our fresh and innovative congress concept we want to welcome researchers as well as practitioners. To encourage the exchange of ideas we will offer panel discussions and workshops. The 4th IAHR Europe Congress is a «must attend» conference for professionals involved in all aspects of hydraulics, water resources, and the hydro-environment, especially engineers, economists, operators, planners, and policy-makers - from private companies, government agencies and universities in Europe and all over the world. On July 28, the Conference Dinner will take place at “La Cité Miroir” in Liège.

More informations and registration :


Université de Liège